Audiovisual Performance
Curated by Spanish artists and remix experts of ZEMOS98, European Souvenirs will be created by an artistic ensemble of five European media-makers that were born during the decades of the 1980’s and later in Spain, Poland, UK, Turkey and the Netherlands. They have different profiles complementing each other as media artists, performers, 3D animators, documentarians, musicians, DJs and Vjs.
Commissioned by the European Cultural Foundation in its quest for new European inspiring narratives, ZEMOS98 (Spain) has designed with its partners in the Doc Next Network an independant, process-oriented, investigative, collaborative, innovative and high quality multi-media project that will shake up our minds and our prevailing imagery of the places we live in.
The artists work with audiovisual material from leading European institutions that have opened up their archives for this project: Eye Film Institute (NL), Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid (NL), Nationaal Archief (NL), Sarnamihuis (NL), Fundacja Archeologia Fotografii (PL), National Digital Archive (PL), etc.
The audience will enjoy an audiovisual journey through the re-interpretation of home and institutional archives. This performance aims to capture the views of a new generation of media-makers to address key concerns and issues of the Europe we live in for a broad audience in Europe and beyond.
European Souvenirs is a major live-cinema performance by Karol Rakowski (PL), Barış Gürsel (TR), Farah Rahman (NL), Malaventura (ES) and Noriko Okaku (JP/UK) that will be staged for thefirst time in October 2012 in De Balie (Amsterdam) and will tour afterwards in different countries across Europe and beyond.