A co-presentation with the Mirage Festival (Lyon, FR)

In Wu-Wu, the set up is controlled by Yi Ping Yang, the percussionist, who also created the donor atmosphere of the show. Wu-Wu draws inspirations in the Chadar aesthetics, the Frozen River of the Indian Himalaya. A large format picture set of this landscape of mountains, attractive, austere and bewildering, will serve as support for some projection mapping, animating this painting together with the sound composition.

Guillaume Marmin, director and artist straight out of Lyon, presented his first installations at the Biennale d'Art Contemporain de Lyon. His works varies from the confrontation of medias such as music and spectacle, to immersive setups. He continues to explore the relation between sounds and images in performances seen at the Subsistances, at the Grrrnd Zéro, or at the Biennale Musiques en Scène.
Yi Ping Yang has had an uncommon artistic rising. She is today recognised as the leader of creative percussion's comeback. Always seeking new ideas, she collaborated to various theatre pieces, as musician as well as as comedian, with the Compagnie des Lumas, directed by Eric Massé, and at the Théâtre des Ateliers de Lyon with Gilles Chavassieux. Since 2001, she is also active within the Ensemble Orchestral Contemporain and since 2004 she added Grame to her partners.