Installation / Exhibition
The idea of Isotopes is to generate a dematerialized space. The catalyst of the project have been post Fukushima’s atmosphere. This tragedy that collided within our memories and childhood has led us to think about the brittleness of reality. This point of no return reflects the brutality of this evolving world that surrounds us, replacing any individual’s existence into fiction.
Isotopes is an open space which can also be perceived as a prison. At first, the slow and hypnotizing moving lights attracts the visitor into the heart of it. Then, the rhythm and the intensity become continually more aggressive until it generates immaterial barriers: it’s easy to get in but neigh impossible to get out. This echoes the way humans approach nuclear power. First seduced, then addicted by its comfortable energy, humans have become trapped in an unstable situation.
The rhythm of the lights and the sounds bring back the connection between the Japanese and their awareness of radioactive omnipresence. Sometimes you can forget it, like the glow of a night light, but sometimes the conscience gains the upper hand, and fear comes back with loss of ground reference. Through the metamorphoses of its appearance, this installation leaves the visitor between what once existed and what didn’t, drawing them into the spectrum of their own volatile emotions.
The Creators Project interview – Dr A.Magazine