Mapping Festival and Zoo parties are well-reputated for their impressive scenographical projects. In 4-days workshop, learn how to study the venue and the music style of the event in order to create, install, test and project on a scenographical structure.
Date/ time : Sunday May 5th to Wednesday May 8th, from 2pm to 8pm
Venue : Le Zoo
Objectives : compréhension of the contraints of a venue for the creation of a scenography, building it, and projecting on it.
Number of participants : 15 maximun
Required skills : be a VJ, solid knowledge of a Vjing software, Adobe Suite or C4D.
Required material : Laptop, Vjing software and MIDI controller (optional)
Price : CHF 200.-
Day 1 :
Presentation of the speakers, their work and the scenography project.
Presentation of the participants.
Day 2 :
Study of the technical aspects of the venue and the chosen musical genre, in order to lead a scenography project at the best.
Editing and construction of the video module.
Day 3 :
Technical installation of the video module in the venue.
Setting of the structure and the video projectors.
Video mapping of the installed module.
Day 4 :
Motion design.
Trials and analyses of the video loops of each participant.
Live Vjing performance during the Drum'n'Bass Shogun Audio clubnight at the Mapping Festival.
Graduated as a designer, and electronic music lover, Pierre integrates the WSK Collective at the end of 2008 as a VJ. Over the years and various experiences, he specialized in the creation of video scenography. He explors materials and shapes through a creative process to find the most performative projection supports and the most adapted to the contraints of VJing.
Experimenting in the fields of graphic design, photography and video, Zero presents a singular and polymorph video set, far from saturated and stroboscopic Vj sets. Always looking for new ways to see and think the visual, he draws his inspirations from the post-seventies cyberpunk movement and the sciences of information. The result is a unique, hypnotic, minimal or frenetic visual universe, but always in symbiosis with the music. With more that 100 sets performed throughout Europe, Asia and the United States in the past couple of years, he is one of the most active Vjs of the french scene, and regularly accompanies Dilemn in his live performances. In 2010, he gives up projection on classical screens and uses from now on a structure dedicated to his performances, therefore mixing VJing and videomapping.
After studying sound ingeniering at the CFMS of Lausanne, he integrates the association of Zoo/ Usine in 2007 as a sound technician. Attracted to VJing and scenography, he has been in charge of video at the genevan club from 2010 to 2012 and joined the Mapping Festival team as technical director in 2011. He is in charge of the video installations of the Outlook and Dimensions festivals, in Pula in Croatia.